Friday, November 20, 2015

Why I started my blog!

With thousands of beauty bloggers or instagrammers it can be hard to stand out. You find yourself comparing yourself to these girls with millions of followers. You look at their feed and you see this perfect life,  beautiful faces, trendy clothes, perfect makeup, perfect hair, perfect everything. I started my blog a few years ago after becoming pregnant and ill. Pregnancy is suppose to be an amazing experience. For me it's when I became very ill and it hasn't stopped since. And when I say ill mean down right sick. In and out of the hospital, 5 surgeries, some days I could hardly get out of bed. My face began to swell up as well as my body. It's just one of the side effect from the many medications I take. Fatigue and pain everyday. Depression. I developed abscesses on my colon that burrow out my skin. Dark circles under my eyes, sunken eyes, dull lifeless skin. I needed something to make me feel better. Anything to take my mind off of being sick. What else but makeup. I've always loved makeup and playing with makeup. That's how linzlewsions came about. The art of illusion. I can be completely sick on the inside but not look so on the outside. I can conceal those darks circles, contour my face, make my skin glow and no one would ever guess how sick I was. I never thought this would be my life, dealing with a chronic illness. Fighting on a day to day basis. I lost the old me. It's not until you deal with something like this that you start to really appreciate life. The days where you feel good, and you realize how you took for granted your health and just the simple things like going for a walk or dinner with friends. This disease has stole my life. I've been fighting to be healthy for about 4 years now and trying to create a successful blog has been challenging. Heck, everyday is a challenge. There's days I don't have the energy to write, take pictures or do makeup and sometimes even get out of bed but I try to push myself.  I just want to be normal. Not perfect. Normal. I used to be one of those girls. Then I was diagnosed with fistulizing Crohn's disease. This disease has taken the old me but a new better me has emerged. A more understanding, compassionate and caring me. And I promise you this I will never take life for granted. 

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